Defense attorney casts doubt on drug references in Hunter Biden texts

Hunter Biden's defense team attempted to cast doubt on Biden's references to drugs in text messages around the time of the purchase of the gun.

In cross examination of FBI Agent Erika Jensen, the defense pointed to two texts from October 13 and 14, 2018, the first and second day following the gun purchase, in which Biden texted Hallie Biden that he was "waiting for a dealer named Mookie." The defense asks Jensen whether she knows where Biden was when the message was sent or if she knows Mookie exists, garnering a response of "no" from Jensen on both questions.

The defense then turns to the October 14 text in which Biden tells Hallie Biden he was :sleeping on a car smoking crack." The defense asks Jensen whether she knows where Biden was when he sent that message, garnering another "no" response from Jensen.

The defense then points to all text messages between October 8th and October 24th, 2018, and asks Jensen whether there were any other references to drugs in this time period, with Jensen once again responding with "no."

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