THE SUN ON SUNDAY SAYS Government is right to call for restriction orders on extreme protest groups that get away with racism & crime

Extremists within Palestine Action have infiltrated Gaza marches and spew out anti-Israeli hatred

Rid our streets of hate & anarchy

EXTREME protest groups have got away with racism, crime and anarchy for too long.

Hardcore fanatics who take the law into their own hands are abusing our fundamental freedom of expression and replacing it with a grotesque campaign of hatred.

Extreme protest groups have got away with racism, crime and anarchy for too long
Extreme protest groups have got away with racism, crime and anarchy for too longCredit: Reuters

So it is no surprise the Government’s adviser on political violence will use a major report this week to call for restriction orders on extreme protest groups.

Lord Walney says: “Militant groups like Palestine Action and Just Stop Oil are using criminal tactics.

"Banning terror groups has made it harder for their activists to plan crimes — that approach should be extended to extreme protest groups too.”

His words will provoke howls of outrage from the civil liberties brigade.

But his warnings deserve to be taken seriously.

Over recent years crazed activists have infiltrated the green movement to desecrate buildings and national treasures.

Extremists within Palestine Action have infiltrated Gaza marches and spew out anti-Israeli hatred that has left Jewish people terrified to walk the streets of their home cities.

Freedom of speech is a democratic society’s most precious asset.But with freedom comes responsibility.

These fanatics have no conception of that

Lord Walney’s report should start a vital debate.

Confronting this issue is not an attack on freedom. It is a vital defence of it.

Shock the shirkers

BRITAIN is crying out for reforms to prioritise the genuinely needy by weeding out workshy scroungers.

So new rules rolled out tomorrow to force more people off benefits and into work are long overdue.

Anyone working less than 18 hours a week has to look for more work and could lose benefits if they reject offers.

Shadow Health Minister Wes Streeting has slammed the Tory plans as “shameless and irresponsible”.

But Labour must know they can’t just throw more cash at a broken system.

If they win power, what is their plan?

Fighting chance

ANOTHER day, another violent attack on our police.

In the latest incident, an officer was shot with a crossbow.

Ministers are already considering extending the use of police tasers in the wake of the horrific sword attack in London.With maniacs wandering our streets, this can’t come soon enough

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