Texts show how Stormy Daniels' team negotiated for alleged affair story

Georgia Longstreet provided testimony Friday on how Gina Rodriquez, Stormy Daniels's agent, negotiated a deal with National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard for her alleged affair story.

The conversations between Rodriguez and Howard took place on October 2016 and discussed how much the outlet would be willing to pay Daniels for her story.

"How much for Stormy," Howard questioned on Oct. 8, 2016. Rodriguez responded, “$250K”.

“I can get 100," Howard responded a day later, on Oct. 9, 2016. Rodriguez then asked Howard if the outlet could do $150K.

Howard responded with “110," to which Rodriquez wrote, “150K".

Text messages between the two parties showed they eventually reached an agreement of $120K for Daniels' story.

Days later, on October 17, 2016, Rodriquez texted Howard, saying, "We’re not doing the Trump deal."Another message adds: "They didn’t pay when they said they would and they keep trying to buy more time…Daily Mail wants it bad.”

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