Jury is shown Trump tweets about Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort

Georgia Longstreet, whose role requires the reviewing of social media posts, read aloud a number of posts in court that were shared to social media by Donald Trump about his former attorney Michael Cohen.

One 2018 tweet read by Longstreet was one in which Trump compared Cohen to Paul Manafort, who was sentenced to 47 months in prison in March 2019 after a federal jury in Virginia convicted him on eight counts of bank and tax fraud in 2018.

Manafort was later pardoned by Trump during his tenure in the White House.

Another Trump tweet from August 22, 2018, urged those looking for " a good lawyer" to not retain Cohen's services.

He wrote at the time, "If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!"

Another tweet shared by Trump about Manfort on the same day was also read in court. In that post, Trump noted that he felt "very badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family."

Cohen is expected to testify in court on Monday.

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