Cohen says he suffers from insomnia, turns to TikTok every night as 'an out'

Michael Cohen testified Tuesday that he struggles to sleep at night and turned to the social media app, Tik Tok, for "an out."

When questioned by Trump attorney Todd Blanche, Cohen says he hosts a Tik Tok live for over an hour every night to build an audience, create a community, and vent because he's "having a difficult time sleeping and [he] found an out.”

Cohen confirmed that he speaks about Trump on X, formerly Twitter. Blanche asked if Cohen has regularly commented on his podcast about wanting to see Trump convicted in this case.  Cohen says he’s probably said that, and he wants to see accountability. 

He then confirmed he wants to see Trump convicted. The defense referenced Cohen’s website and a link to a a $32 shirt with a photo of Trump in jumpsuit behind bars. 

Another item says, “convict 45.”  An image of a coffee mug with the phrase “send him to the big house, not the White House.” 

Cohen confirmed that those are references to Trump. Blanche asked if Cohen wore the t-shirt last week on one of his Tik Tok vidoes -which Cohen confirmed.

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