FAMILY TORN APART Tragedy as dad reverses over and kills his toddler daughter after she wandered onto driveway in ‘tragic accident’

 The tot had been playing in the garden, before walking down a path and through an unlocked gate

A TODDLER was killed in a tragic accident after her dad reversed over her with his car, an inquest heard.

Haniyah Bint Vaqas Youni was only 19-months-old when she died after being run over on her driveway in Dewsbury, on May 21, 2023.

Haniyah sat down in the rear blind spot behind her dad's BMW
Haniyah sat down in the rear blind spot behind her dad's BMW

The tot had been playing in the garden, before walking down a path by the side of the family house.

She made her way out of an unlocked gate to the front driveway at around 10am, an inquest at Bradford's H M Coroner’s Court heard yesterday.

Haniyah sat down in the rear blind spot behind her dad's BMW Three Series and was tragically killed around 10 minutes later.

West Yorkshire Police’s Collisions Investigation Unit determined previously that Hanniyah's small size meant it was unlikely the car sensors would have detected her.The inquest heard that two doctors living on the street raced to the horrific scene and tried to save the little girl.

They found Haniyah’s mum cradling her daughter and saw blood on the toddler.

Emergency services rushed Haniyah to Leeds General Infirmary where she was pronounced dead at 11.32am.

The 19-month-old's official cause of death was recorded as a traumatic head injury.

Senior Coroner Martin Dominic Fleming said: “Haniyah was a lovely, vibrant, healthy little girl.

"The great tragedy here is that there was nothing to alert the father to her presence.”

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