INVASION OF THE FLIES Plague of flies trapping Leicester village’s families in their homes – leaving children in tears & ruining holidays
A PLAGUE of flies is trapping a village’s families in their homes.
They say the invasion of huge swarms have left children in tears and ruined the summer holidays.
And they blame a recycling centre, combined with a move to fortnightly bin collections and rising temperatures.
Mum-of-two Gemma Clarke, 36, of Leicester Forest East, Leics, said: “We can’t have any doors or windows open. We can’t sit in the garden or the park.
“The children can’t play. It’s been absolutely horrendous.”
Alison Smith, 61, said: “The recycling place used to just take cardboard but then started taking wet waste and the flies began coming"Each year there’s more of them. We have to eat dinner with two fly-trap spinner strips either side of us. There’s a swatter in almost every room.”
Residents say the bugs even crawl over them while they sleep.
Derek Johnson, 61, added: “I don’t know how they can expect us to live like this.”
Recycling firm Casepak said they were “aware of issues”. It went on: “We undertake extensive work around pest management."It is reviewed every year by an external specialist and approved by the Environment Agency.”
The agency said: “While we receive reports of flies, we aim to visit Casepak weekly.“If Casepak is found in breach of its permit, action will be taken.”
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