Tom Cotton Signals Openness To Being Trump’s VP

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) signaled an openness to being former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick when asked about the matter over the weekend.

Cotton was asked about the matter during a Sunday interview on NBC News’ “Meet The Press” with guest host Peter Alexander.

“You are reportedly on Donald Trump’s short list of possible running mates,” Alexander said. “Would you accept if Donald Trump asked you?”

“Well, Peter, Donald Trump’s going to make this choice,” Cotton responded. “I suspect only he knows who’s on his short list.”

He said that he has not talked to Trump or the Trump campaign about who Trump will pick as his vice presidential running mate or about any position in his administration.

When asked if he would accept the job if offered it, Cotton responded: “Peter, any great patriot, if offered a chance to serve our country by the president, would have to consider it seriously. But what I’m focused on, like the president, is making sure that we win this election in November, and I want to help him govern successfully to restore the peace and prosperity that he brought to America for four years that Joe Biden has destroyed.”


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