Jen Psaki: Trump Isn’t Running For President, He’s Running To Stay Out Of Prison
Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed on Sunday that former President Donald Trump wasn’t running a 2024 campaign because he wanted to win — rather, she said he was doing it solely because he saw it as a way to keep himself out of prison.
Psaki made the comments during Sunday’s broadcast of her MSNBC show “Inside with Jen Psaki,” and she argued that President Joe Biden’s recent speech in Normandy, France — commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day — was proof that his values were more aligned with the American people’s values than Trump’s are.
Psaki said that Biden’s speech — which focused as much on Ukraine as it did on D-Day and included one story that appeared to have been ripped and only slightly modified from the late President Ronald Reagan’s 1984 address — told the American people who he was and what he valued, and for that reason it was important to pay attention to what he was saying while overseas.While most people saw Biden parroting Reagan’s 40th anniversary remarks and assumed that the president who had been in trouble for plagiarism in the past was simply at it again, the former White House Press Secretary spun the comparison as both good and intentional – right down to the fact that Biden gave his remarks from the same spot that Reagan had given his.
“To hear both of them now, side by side, you’d think they’re almost completing each other’s sentences as they speak about the sacrifice of those brave soldiers,” she said.
She went on to turn the attack on Trump, saying that he was more interested in the protection from prosecution that being elected president again might provide.
“The truth is Trump couldn’t really care less about preserving the values that the U.S. has long stood for,” she said. “His campaign is not about preserving our freedom, it’s about preserving his own. It’s not about upholding American greatness. It’s about staying out of prison.”
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