Lydia Hu inside court: Trump lawyers ‘painting extortion theme’ on Stormy Daniels payment

Before break, Blanche pointing out more witnesses we didn’t hear from Gina Rodriguez (Stormy Daniels ‘ agent) and Dylan Howard. What would they have testified about a conspiracy? Was this an effort to silence Stormy Daniels or was Daniels extorting Trump? We won’t know from Gina R and Howard.  Blanche is painting extortion theme here.

Blanche points to text message from Dylan Howard that says “nothing much pisses me off these days...” except Trump, texts say. Blanche says Howard hates Trump; Howard isn’t part of any conspiracy to help Trump. But when Gina Rodriguez and Stormy Daniels wanted to sell their story, Howard was willing to help Gina R and Stormy. 

They play the April 4, 2018 recording of the call between Keith Davidson and Cohen. On it, Keith Davidson can be heard telling Cohen that Stormy wanted the “case settled” meaning her story rights sold before the election; they believed that Trump was going to lose the election and her story would lose value. 

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