KNIFE HORROR Knifeman launches frenzied attack on anti-Islam rally in Mannheim before being gunned down by cops on YouTube livestream

A KNIFEMAN has been gunned down by cops after stabbing at least three people at an anti-Islam rally in southwest Germany.

The horror ordeal at Mannheim was live-streamed to thousands on YouTube on Friday mornin

The attacker appears to stab a police officer in the back and side
The attacker appears to stab a police officer in the back and side
The knifeman launches at a man who had reportedly taken part in an anti-Islam rally
The knifeman launches at a man who had reportedly taken part in an anti-Islam rallyCredit: YouTube
Blood pours from a hole in the victim's jeans
Blood pours from a hole in the victim's jeansCredit: YouTube
A cop shoots the knifeman after he stabs an officer in the back
A cop shoots the knifeman after he stabs an officer in the backCredit: YOUTUBE

It is understood the attack happened during a gathering for the BPE political group, which is known to hold anti-Islam views.

At least three people are injured, including a police officer, according to initial reports.

One victim is said to be Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger, 59, who had reportedly earlier taken part in a rally organised by German counter-jihad group "Citizens' Movement PAX Europa".

Shocking footage showed a man armed with a large knife lunging at another man before they both tumbled to the floor.

The rampaging knifeman repeatedly stabbed at his victim in the face, neck, and chest area.

Other men dressed in blue, who appeared to have been taking part in the rally, attempted to pull the attacker from his victim.

The victim appeared to have been stabbed in his leg and face.

Blood spilled from a hole in his jeans and dripped near his eyes.A policeman tripped in the chaos and was crouched over when the knifeman continued his spree, stabbing the cop in the back and side.

Another officer pointed a gun at the knifeman, who tumbled to the ground as a shot rang out in the Mannheim market square.

The knifeman rolled onto his back and laid still.

Local media said he was shot dead by police.

Mannheim Police said on Friday: "According to current information, an attack on several people took place today at around 11:35 a.m. on the market square in Mannheim.

"One person is said to have attacked several people with a knife and injured them. No information can be given yet about the extent and severity of the injuries.

"A firearm was then used against the attacker. The attacker was also injured as a result."

The police added: "Rescue and emergency services as well as the rescue helicopter are in action. There is no danger to the public.

"Rail traffic between the Kurpfalzkreisel and Paradeplatz is closed until further notice."

The YouTube video is now unavailable for public viewing.

Islam critic Stürzenberger is a former media spokesman for the Munich CSU, an avowed critic of Islam and a member of the Pax Europa organisation, according to the citizens' movement's website.

He is said to have been seriously injured in the attack.

Pax Europa said today: "Terrible news from Mannheim.

"At today's rally of the citizens' movement Pax Europa in Mannheim, Michael Stürzenberger, several BPE helpers and a policeman were stabbed by an attacker with a knife at around 11:30am.

"The bearded man was quickly overpowered by the police. The victims suffered severe injuries from the stab wounds."Stürzenberger was monitored by the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution from 2013 to 2022 for comparing Islam with fascism, Bild reports.

He was convicted twice: once for insulting police and a second time for incitement and denigration of religious teachings, said Bild.

The knifeman is seen in the distance standing over a man and gripping a long blade
The knifeman is seen in the distance standing over a man and gripping a long bladeCredit: YouTube
One of at least three victims appears terrified as he backs away from the attacker
One of at least three victims appears terrified as he backs away from the attacker

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