Hamas Terrorists Open Fire On Gaza Pier Being Constructed By U.S. Forces: Israeli Media

Israeli media reported Wednesday night that Hamas terrorists fired rockets at a pier that the U.S. Military is constructing off the coast of Gaza.

Israel’s Channel 13 reported that “in the morning and in the afternoon, missiles were launched towards the area where the Americans are currently building the seaport.”

The attack from Hamas did not cause any casualties or damage, but represented yet another example of the Islamic terrorist organization preventing humanitarian aid from entering Gaza.

The attack comes after Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin claimed last week that he saw no indication that the terrorist group was going to attack the U.S. forces building the pier.

“I don’t discuss intelligence information at the podium, but I don’t see any indications currently that there is an active intent to do that,” he said, adding: “This is a combat zone, and a number of things can happen.”

A Pentagon official said late on Wednesday that the pier was now finished being constructed but had not been moved into position.

“As of today [Wednesday], the construction of the two portions of the [Joint Logistics Over-the Shore] JLOTS – the floating pier and the Trident pier – are complete and awaiting final movement offshore,” the official said. “There are still forecasted high winds and high sea swells, which are causing unsafe conditions for the JLOTS components to be moved.”

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