WHERE IS SHE? Urgent hunt for teen, 15, last seen near Grantham three weeks ago after disappearing with pet sugar glider

POLICE are appealing for help to find a 15-year-old girl who has been missing for three weeks with her pet sugar glider.

Raya Dillon-Jackson was last seen in Croxton Kerrial, Leicestershire, on March 31 and was reported missing the following day (April 1).

Raya Dillon-Jackson went missing on March 31
Raya Dillon-Jackson went missing on March 31Credit: Leicestershire Police
Raya went missing with her pet sugar glider
Raya went missing with her pet sugar gliderCredit: Alamy

Since she was reported missing, a number of enquiries have been undertaken to find Raya but it is believed she may have left Leicestershire and travelled elsewhere in the UK.

She has links to Birmingham and the Wanstead, Peckham, Brixton and Holborn areas of London.

Raya is black and has shoulder-length wavy hair. She is known to wear makeup and false eyelashes.

When she was last seen, she was wearing a white Nike t-shirt and black Nike sweatpants.

She left her address with her pet sugar glider, which is a small marsupial type animal.

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