NAUGHTY ON NORTON I work on The Graham Norton Show and was shocked by major star’s ridiculous demand backstage

 A LONG running producer on The Graham Norton Show has spilled the beans on some of the programme's A-list guests' most outrageous demands over the years.

The BBC Friday night favourite has become staple viewing and has welcomed most of the Hollywood elite to the sofa at some point.

The Graham Norton Show has welcomed a sea of top famous faces
The Graham Norton Show has welcomed a sea of top famous facesCredit: PA:Press Association
Dolly Parton requested a second room purely for her wig
Dolly Parton requested a second room purely for her wigCredit: BBC
Mark Wahlberg caused a stir as he pinched Graham's nipples after sitting on top of him
Mark Wahlberg caused a stir as he pinched Graham's nipples after sitting on top of himCredit: BBC
Show producer Graham Smart has spilled on some of the guests' craziest demands
Show producer Graham Smart has spilled on some of the guests' craziest demandsCredit: Alamy

From top musicians, actors, rappers, comedians and TV icons, it is hard to come across an A-lister that hasn't appeared on the show at least once.

The price of fame has also been laid bare on the programme with one of the show's head honchos revealing some of the crazy demands that the celebrities have had over the years.

Graham Smart has worked with TV host Mr. Norton for over 20 years including on his Channel 4 programmes before making the switch to the current BBC hit which first launched in 2007.

He has seen it all from the wacky to the downright outrageous and hasn't held back on naming the craziest demand he has ever heard.

Speaking to, producer Smart revealed that one top celebrity requested TWO dressing rooms with the second one being for something entirely bizarre.

Revealing the demand, he told the publication: "I can’t give names, but we once had a major artist insist on a second dressing room.

"Which, you know, that’s fair enough.

"But…it was for their phone."

Elsewhere, he confessed how it was not the first time that a second dressing room had been demanded for a top star.

Country music icon Dolly Parton required an additional room backstage to store her wig ahead of her appearance on the popular programme.

However, he was quick to point out that any demand too over-the-top would be turned down.

He pointed out how the BBC hit was respected within the industry and so guests and their teams knew not to "mess around" when making their list of demands.

Graham Smart added: "This is a really important show for the entertainment business. You’re not going to mess around,’ he said.

"You can ask for insane things. But why would we, why would we give them?

The show had a guest request a second dressing room for their mobile phone
The show had a guest request a second dressing room for their mobile phoneCredit: PA

"There’s no sorting colours of M and M’s, that sort of thing although [we do obviously] want to look after people and make them feel comfortable."

He further went on to explain how the programme aims to portray everything in a good and "honest" light even went guests go slightly awry.

He made reference to Hollywood heartthrob Mark Wahlberg's appearance on the show in 2013 whereby he sat on Graham's lap and caressed his face before stroking his chest with his hands.

Mark even played with Graham's nipples in the moment that left his fellow guest open-mouthed.

However, Smart made clear that Mark came "down to reality" after filming wrapped and the show made "sure what went out was good and fair and honest [and] that’s exactly what went out".

Hollywood hunk Mark turned heads with his appearance on the show
Hollywood hunk Mark turned heads with his appearance on the show

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