Israeli Woman Who Was Held Hostage By Hamas Details Sexual Abuse She Endured

A woman who was held hostage by Palestinian Islamic terrorists inside Gaza for two months told her story of being sexually abused in a forthcoming documentary.

Amit Soussana was kidnapped from her home by nearly a dozen men during Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel. She told her story to a documentary crew hired by Sheryl Sandberg, former chief operating officer of Facebook.

CNN’s Jake Tapper previewed the documentary — “Screams Before Silence” — on Tuesday afternoon during a segment of “The Lead.”

“I was chained for three weeks in Gaza. I was kept in a really dark room without being able to move. And whenever I needed to go and use the bathroom, I needed to ask for permission,” Soussana said. “His name was Muhammad. He used to sit on the bed in front of me wearing his shorts and laying down. I remember I couldn’t look at him. I was just like looking away and covering myself with a blanket so I wouldn’t have to look at him. It made me feel really uncomfortable.”

“He also kept asking me, do I like sex? Do I have sex with my boyfriend? And whenever he talked about it, I just giggled and said, ‘Oh, come on, stop, stop,’ trying to change the subject. I knew that he is up to something. I knew that something bad is going to happen,” she continued. “So one day, Muhammad came and gave me woman’s sanitary pads. He said, ‘Blood, blood. When you get your period, after that, you’ll take a shower and you’ll wash your clothes.’ And he kept repeating that couple of times a day. And then I got my period, and the period was just for one day, but I fooled him to think that the period is continuing until I could not lie anymore.”

She said that he eventually took her to the kitchen and showed her a pot.

“I remember thinking, how can I avoid that? There’s nothing I can do,” she said.

The preview ended there and Sandberg went on to state that Soussana had been beaten and sexually abused at gunpoint by the terrorists.


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