South Carolina primary showed Trump’s strength in Haley’s home state

The South Carolina presidential primary took place on Saturday, February 24, between former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley on the Republican ticket. President Biden functionally ran unopposed and captured 96% of the vote when the Democrats held their primary.

South Carolina was highly anticipated to see how Haley’s name recognition as former governor would fare against Trump’s immense lead among GOP voters. Ultimately, Trump won with 60% of the vote compared to Haley’s 40%. This was comparable to Trump’s past victories in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada.

Haley remained defiant, insisting that an incumbent president losing 40% of the vote is evidence he can’t defeat Biden in November.

"Donald Trump as, technically, the Republican incumbent did not win 40% of the vote," Haley said to reporters during her campaigning in Michigan. "So, what you are looking at is something is shifting and this has been happening for a while."

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