Former 007 Pleads Guilty In Yellowstone Illegal Hiking Case

Pierce Brosnan took a plea deal after being charged with trespassing for entering into a restricted hot spring while hiking in Yellowstone National Park last year.

The 70-year-old actor changed his not-guilty plea to guilty on Thursday, admitting to venturing into the off-limits “thermal area” at the national park, and has agreed to pay a $1,540 fine (including court fees) for going off the path, TMZ reported.

In court documents obtained by the outlet, Brosnan pled guilty to one of the two charges he was facing — for illegally hiking into the hot spring area. In exchange, the other charge was dropped.

In November, the Messenger reported that the former double-O-seven star had been cited in U.S. District Court for “foot travel in a thermal area” and for a “closure violation” at Mammoth Terrace.

Brosnan first appeared in court in January and pleaded not guilty to two charges of illegally hiking in the national park, as previously reported.

A social media account featuring “tourons,” which mocks tourists, uploaded a photo showing Brosnan posing on the snow-encrusted hot springs, The Daily Mail noted.

Brosnan had been ordered to appear in a Wyoming state courtroom in January, the outlet noted, but Magistrate Judge Stephanie A. Hambrick granted the celebrity’s request to reschedule and have a virtual conference on February 20 instead.

The original charges carried a maximum penalty of up to six months in prison and a $5,000 fine, the Daily Mail noted.

The “Golden Eye” star — who appeared in four James Bond films — became the latest tourist to wind up in hot water for venturing off the path into prohibited areas in Yellowstone, the outlet noted.

Despite the park’s numerous safety warnings about the dangers of the hot springs, which it said “have injured or killed more people in Yellowstone than any other natural feature,” tourists have continued to enter the closed-off areas.

“Boardwalks and trails protect you and delicate thermal formations,” a warning on the NPS website read. “Water in hot springs can cause severe or fatal burns, and scalding water underlies most of the thin, breakable crust around hot springs.”

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