Dana Perino on 'The Five': Haley 'not going to be the nominee'

Tonight on "The Five," co-host of "America's Newsroom" Dana Perino looked back on Trump's campaign and the former president's suggestion that Nikki Haley can't beat Biden.

"I think you saw one Donald Trump in Iowa, in terms of being very conciliatory, and 'Let's all get along, and everything's great', and then in New Hampshire he was like 'She's absolutely the worst, and a total loser," Perino said of Trump from mid to late January.

"The election is eight months from today. So, there's time," she added. "But I do think after tonight, it is not without question that you will likely be saying that Donald Trump is a presumptive nominee."

Perino also responded to Trump's past remarks that Haley could not beat Biden in the November election.

"She could," Perino said. "But she's not going to be the nominee."

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