'Blatant lies': Bobulinski accuses Hunter Biden of lying under oath

Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski said Wednesday during testimony before the House Oversight Committee that the president's son lied under oath while speaking to lawmakers earlier this year about his father's involvement in his business dealings.

Questioning Bobulinksi, Rep. Jason Smith, R-Mo., said, "During his deposition, Hunter Biden repeatedly testified under oath that his father was not involved in his business in any capacity and that there wasn't even a connection between his father and his businesses. Here is just one example, quote 'I just state for the record one more time, under oath and under penalty of perjury, my father has never been involved in my business. I have never asked my father to be involved in my business. My father has never benefited from my business, and I have never asked anyone or my father to do anything for the benefit of anyone I've ever done business for.'"

"Yet the Ways and Means Committee released a WhatsApp message that were provided by the IRS whistleblowers showing that Hunter Biden wrote on July 30, 2017, quote, 'I'm sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. I'm sitting here waiting for the call with my father.' Moreover, you testified that Hunter was not shy about his ability to get his father on the phone, and Devin Archer testified that there were multiple instances in which Hunter placed his dad on speaker phone," Smith added.

"Mr. Bobulinski, was Hunter Biden telling the truth when he testified under oath that his father was never involved in any of his business dealings," Smith asked.

Bobulinski responded, "No, he was not. Those are all blatant lies."

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