THE SUN SAYS No strong leader would let extremist Azhar Ali run in Rochdale by-election – Keir Starmer still embraces bigots

A strong leader would sack Azhar and temporarily sacrifice a safe seat

IT is appalling that the lying extremist Azhar Ali remains a Labour member, let alone its Rochdale by-election candidate.

He is precisely the sort of crank conspiracy theorist Keir Starmer should expel — not install as his newest MP.

The fact that lying extremist Azhar Ali is Labour's Rochdale by-election candidate brings shame on Keir Starmer's party
The fact that lying extremist Azhar Ali is Labour's Rochdale by-election candidate brings shame on Keir Starmer's partyCredit: Getty

And the fact that a senior party figure campaigned alongside him yesterday AFTER the scandal erupted casts further grave doubt on the claim Labour has completely “changed” since its anti-Semitic disgrace under Corbyn.

Ali was caught telling a party meeting Israel LET Hamas slaughter 1,200 Jews as an excuse to attack Gaza.

He criticised Starmer personally.

And local ­members presumably agree, since they later picked him as their candidate.

Ali’s apology to the Jewish community is not worth the paper on which it was written for him.

It even tried to “gaslight” Britain (to use the Left’s buzzword) by having HIM claim Labour had changed.

He is proof of the opposite.

A strong leader would sack Azhar and temporarily sacrifice a safe seat Labour is bound to win at the General Election.

If not, voters everywhere will know that the party doesn’t still merely tolerate Israel-hating bigots, it embraces them.

WHEN Theresa May almost gifted Corbyn power in 2017 The Sun spelled out why.

It wasn’t just her inept campaigning.

It was a young generation priced out of the housing market, facing crippling rents on stagnant, low wages and turning in desperation to Marxist myths.

We warned they might desert capitalism, let alone the Tories, if it went on.

So we are taken aback to hear Michael Gove still issuing the same warning.

In the seven years since that election the Tories have abandoned mandatory housebuilding targets, backed noisy NIMBYs in marginal seats and allowed net annual migration to soar to 745,000.

If polls are right, they are desperately short of time now to change course.

Why didn’t they listen to us in the first place?

Thank the Lord

PRAISE be that one top churchman at least has seen the light over the folly of uncontrolled immigration.

Ex-Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey is aghast that bishops in the Lords aim to block any curbs on it.

He says they are blind “to what migration is doing to our culture and infrastructure” — including fuelling a “severe lack of housing and services”.

“The elites are well-protected,” he says, “but Britain’s poorest have a different experience. An experiment in mass immigration has been foisted upon them without their consent.”

Will the Left listen? No.

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