CAT-KILLER CAGED Scarlet Blake who put cat in BLENDER before killing stranger because girlfriend ‘thought it would be hot’ caged for life

A MONSTER who put a cat in a blender before killing a stranger because her girlfriend "thought it would be hot" has been jailed.

Scarlet Blake, 26, live-streamed herself mutilating a cat just four months before the brutal murder of stranger Jorge Martin Carreno.

Scarlett Blake was "fixated" with knowing what it would be like to kill someone
Scarlett Blake was "fixated" with knowing what it would be like to kill someoneCredit: SWNS
Blake live-streamed a gruesome video dissecting a cat
Blake live-streamed a gruesome video dissecting a catCredit: PA
Jorge was targeted and murdered at random
Jorge was targeted and murdered at randomCredit: Hyde News & Pictures

Jorge, a 30-year-old BMW worker, is said to have been deliberately targeted as part of a warped sexual fantasy inspired by a Netflix documentary Don't F*** with Cats.

He was found dead by a river having suffered a fatal blow to the back of his head and injuries to his neck after being lured to his death in July 2021.

Blake, a transgender woman who on occasion adopted the persona of a cat, had earlier rehearsed the brutal killing on a pet.

She dissected a cat before placing it in a blender in eerily similar scenes to the Netflix doc.

Jailing Blake for life with a minimum term of 24 years today, Mr Justice Chamberlain told the killer: "You told the court you didn't want to kill a living creature, let alone a person, and it was Ashlynn who pressured you to do so.

"You adopted the persona of a cat. You talked about the difficulties to have had of transitioning since childhood to live as a woman and your troubled relationship with your parents.

"All of this was part of an elaborate attempt to rationalise what you have done and shift responsibility to others.

"It is not the fault of a society that didn't accept you, it was not the fault of your parents... The decision to kill was entirely yours."

In the sickening cat-killing video, which had the same New Order song True Faith playing as in the Netflix doc, Blake could be heard saying: "Here we go my little friend. Oh boy, you smell like s**t. I can't wait to put through the blender."

At the end of the video, she brazenly asked: "Well I wonder where I learn to do this to a person?"

Encouraged by internet girlfriend Ashlynn Bell, herself a Nazi memorabilia fan, Blake moved from the cat to finding a random stranger to attack and kill in the middle of the night.

Messages obtained by police later revealed how Blake had told Ashlynn of how she had intended to decapitate Jorge.

She also told ex-fiancee Evie Brockman: "I killed people because my lover thought it would be hot."

The trans killer also received a four-month prison sentence for causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal following the sick clips and two months in jail for a count of criminal damage in relation to cat in November last year - both to be served concurrently.

Blake, who wore the same black blazer on every day of the trial, nodded towards her mother as she was led away from the dock by three prison officers.

It is understood she will be kept at a high-security men's prison.

Passing sentence, Mr Justice Chamberlain said: "Most likely, you hit him on the back of the head with a vodka bottle, or something else you brought with you.

"You then strangled him with a ligature or another item. You may have held him down in the water. Either way you intended to kill him and you did kill him.

"Your decision to kill Jorge was not a reaction to something he had said and done, it was not a momentary mistake. It was not a decision made in anger or because your emotions overcame you.

"It was a plan you had been considering for months."

Addressing the cat mutilation video, the judge continued: "The thing you enjoyed most was seeing the animal gasping and panicking before it died.

"You told the jury you did all this to please Ashlynn Bell and derived no pleasure from it yourself.

"Apparently seriously, you invited the jury to conclude you disapprove of people who are cruel to animals.

"But the clips we saw of you laughing and smiling with the cats severed head in the background leave no doubt that you derived pleasure.

“In the video the track True Faith by New Order was played on a loop. It is music that also featured in the Netflix documentary Don’t F*ck with Cats.

“You have said you did not know about the documentary and it did not influence your choice of music. I am sure this is untrue."

Oxford Crown Court earlier heard how Blake had become fixated with "knowing what it would be like to kill someone".

She had been stalking the streets of Oxford looking for a victim when she stumbled across Jorge on July 25, 2021.

He had become "lost and vulnerable" as he made a 45-minute walk home following a night out with work colleagues.

The pair walked through the streets of Oxford together before she attacked him and left his body by the River Cherwell.

Following the discovery of the body the following day, it took cops two years to "properly understand" the circumstances around his death.

The court also heard grim details of how Blake's dissection of the cat.

Blake inserted a scalpel into the cat's eyes before placing its mutilated body into a blender.

She then "boasted" about the killing, which is said to have been inspired by the Netflix documentary.

The show is about a man who kills kittens before filming the murder of a human - while the same New Order song played in the background.

ROTTEN ROMANCE How cat-killer Scarlet Blake’s twisted Nazi-obsessed internet girlfriend encouraged her to murder a stranger in sick messages

SCARLET Blake was encouraged to mutilate a cat and murder a random stranger by her Nazi-obsessed internet girlfriend.

The evil cat-killer, 25, live-streamed herself dissecting and killing a family cat four months before the brutal murder of Jorge Martin Carreno.

Messages obtained by cops via the secretive Discord social media platform revealed how Blake told her partner Ashlynn Bell she had killed Jorge with a homemade garrotte.

She also told her ex-fiancee, Evie Brockman, who Blake was filmed consensually strangling: "I killed people because my lover thought it would be hot.”

Asked about the messages during an arrogant testimony lined with contradictions, Blake insisted: "As an extension to making me kill a cat, (Ashlynn) also tried to make me kill a person.

"I told Ashy I had killed that person and made up the details in a dramatic way.

"When she saw the CCTV image of me in the jacket, she became quite convinced.”

The evidence was so graphic during her trial that jurors had to flee the courtroom on occasion.

Blake had denied she was looking for a victim of the night on Jorge's death, instead telling police she had gone for a walk because she couldn't sleep.

She added: "I don't know how he died. I assumed he drowned. It wasn't something I did. As to how, I still don't know, I wasn't there."

But jurors were told she had confessed to partner Ashlynn, who lives in the US, that she had killed Jorge with a homemade garrote.

Alison Morgan KC, prosecuting, added: "The prosecution alleges that this defendant had an extreme interest in death and in harm.

"It was an interest that went beyond mere fantasy. She described herself to others as being someone who derived sexual gratification from the thought of violence and the thought of death."

In a family impact statement read by a translator, Jorge's mum said: "

“Jorge was not only an exemplary child but also an exceptional being.

“He was distinguished by his incredible affection, friendliness, and his ability to give himself fully to others. Jorge's innate curiosity and creativity drove him to explore, learn, and experiment tirelessly."

She added: "Jorge, with his caring and friendly nature, lit up any place, always spreading joy with his wit and contagious curiosity.

"With a great sense of humour, his immense desire to live and enjoy life made him a special being.

"The loss of Jorge has left an open wound in the heart of his family but also in all those who had the pleasure of knowing him.

"This loss feels like a traumatic, devastating blow, leaving a void impossible to fill. Going through the pain of losing a son, a brother, under such tragic and unjustified circumstances, is a trial no family should face."

Blake's internet girlfriend Ashlynn is said to have encouraged her
Blake's internet girlfriend Ashlynn is said to have encouraged herCredit:
Blake placed the cat in a blender in the horror video
Blake placed the cat in a blender in the horror videoCredit: PA
Blake seen walking the streets of Oxford on the day of the killing
Blake seen walking the streets of Oxford on the day of the killingCredit: SWNS
Blake was today jailed for life
Blake was today jailed for life

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