Ben Shapiro Posts Shocking Thread Revealing DEI At Work In Medicine: ‘Even If Doctors Injure Patients, They Might Still Be Protected’

Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro posted a thread on X on Monday, revealing his troubling findings of how diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles are being implemented by doctors, potentially putting patients at risk.

“DEI in medicine means that even if doctors injure patients, they might still be protected (even promoted). It means that top hospitals are abandoning key metrics when hiring surgeons. And it means research by whites may be disregarded. Here’s what I’ve found…” Shapiro wrote.

Shapiro began his thread by discussing Kychelle Del Rosario, a Wake Forest medical student who is getting ready to graduate from the school and potentially start a career in the medical field. Del Rosario made headlines in 2022 after she injured a patient who laughed at her “She/Her” pronoun pin. The Wake Forest medical student posted about her actions on social media, seemingly joking about missing the vein of the patient who made fun of her pin.

Del Rosario was defended by fellow Wake Forest medical student Ewen Liu who said the jab was an accident, but it “seemed ‘karma-tic.’” Shapiro said that he has learned Liu was recently hired by UPenn Health where she focuses on “substance use disorder, LGBTQ+ health, community medicine.”

“Both UPenn and Liu’s medical school, Wake Forest, have attempted to hide Liu’s hiring,” Shapiro wrote. “Wake Forest didn’t list Liu’s hospital in graduation materials, and UPenn doesn’t list Liu’s medical school on its website.”

The troubling example of identity politics in medicine doesn’t end with Del Rosario and Liu at Wake Forest and UPenn.

“This is the norm in medicine,” Shapiro said. “Meet award-winning Duke surgical resident Vignesh Raman. At an internal DEI lecture, Raman says his ‘heart sinks’ when he has patients who watch Fox News or wear MAGA hats. Then he celebrates having a majority ‘non-white’ population to treat.”

In the video, Raman goes on to discuss how Duke has pushed to stop hiring so many “walls of white men” following the death of George Floyd in 2020. Raman says in the video that Floyd’s death and the events surrounding it “collectively galvanized the consciousness of Duke University and certainly our department to try to do something, and recognizing there’s like centuries-long history of racism and slavery in which Duke University essentially was founded [on].”

Even more concerning, Raman goes on to say that he and his team are “abandoning … all sort[s] of metrics” and adopting “completely holistic” application practices so Duke can bring on more women and “non-white” surgeons, Shapiro said.

“Raman also tweeted that he won’t ‘amplify’ medical literature involving only white men – because it’s not as if white men have ever advanced medicine or anything,” Shapiro added. “Vignesh Raman is just one example of a much larger trend. The American College of Surgeons, or ACS, recently gave its 88,000 members a definition of ‘racism’ that implies it’s impossible to be racist against white people.”

The conservative commentator pointed out how the ACS invited speaker Madeline B. Torres to a 2021 conference where she said, “[W]hen patients see physicians who look like them, they tend to do better.” Torres also said that surgeons are receiving grants and awards based on their minority status.

At another 2021 DEI conference, this one at UPenn, a surgeon said it is “off putting” to see so many white men as surgeons.

“The doctors also state that surgery needs something like the NFL’s Rooney Rule, which requires that teams interview minority candidates,” Shapiro wrote. “But the doctors say surgery needs an expanded version that goes further and ensures that minority candidates are selected.”

“It’s bad enough when teachers or government bureaucrats talk like this, but valuing intersectionality over merit can literally mean life or death in surgery,” Shapiro concluded.

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