Biden campaign watching Iowa "closely" as it prepares to take on Trump

The Biden campaign is looking ahead to a general election matchup with former President Donald Trump as the GOP primary season begins in earnest Monday.

Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler said the campaign was "excited for the fight ahead" and would be "watching closely to see what emerges here tonight in Iowa, ready to provide the American people with the stark contrast between the president, who’s fighting for more freedom and more democracy, and these MAGA extremists led by Donald Trump, who want to tear down the fabric of American democracy."

Speaking during an appearance on “CNN This Morning” from Des Moines, Iowa, Tyler also echoed Biden and other top officials in casting the 2024 election as existential to the future of democracy, saying his team was "absolutely ready" to take on Trump if he wins as Republican nominee.

We've been gearing up for that fight since launch in April 2023, and we're scaling up our operation right now, to meet the moment meet the challenge presented by Donald Trump and the threat that he represents to American democracy.” 

Tyler downplayed any anxiety when pressed by CNN’s Kasie Hunt on the write-in campaign in New Hampshire, where Biden’s name is not physically on the primary ballot next week due to his efforts to shift the Democratic calendar to place South Carolina first. 

“This campaign has made very clear that we're gonna follow the rules put in place by the Democratic National Committee," he said

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