Model Known As ‘Most Beautiful Man’ Leaves Career Behind For Higher Power

A model who once earned the title of Italy’s “most beautiful man” said that he’s leaving the modeling world behind because he’s been called to a higher power: God.

In a video posted on Instagram, Edoardo Santini, told his thousands of followers that “at 21 years of age, I find myself on the path toward becoming a priest, God willing,” Fox News reported.

“I’ve decided to give up modeling work, acting and dance, but I won’t abandon my passions, I’ll just live them differently,” he added, noting that he will be now “offering” his passions “to God.”

Young Edoardo Santini, considered “the most handsome man in Italy,” has decided to leave his promising career as a model and enter a seminary to become a priest.

Dancer, swimmer, actor — these were a few of the dreams of Santini, a 21-year-old Italian who in 2019 when he was 17…

— Catholic News Agency (@cnalive) December 8, 2023

Santini wrote about how he had “discovered the real Church, which I thought was dead,” the Times UK noted.

They have given me the strength to investigate this question that I’ve taken with me from childhood but various fears stopped me from studying it at a deeper level,” the model said, the Daily Mail noted. “Last year, I took the first step.”

He revealed that a year ago he had gone to live with two priests, calling it “the most beautiful experience of my life.”

“Obviously, some people talk about me behind my back, some people have no problem telling me I have let them down, both inside and outside my family, but others are supporting me, believers and non-believers,” Santini shared.

“Will I become a priest? I don’t know, I am here to discover,” he added. “But I have taken the step that terrorized me, that stopped me finally being myself. I am ready to say I made a mistake.”

Santini has entered Seminary and this week started the work studying theology and serving two parishes, Fox News noted. He’s also changed his profile description on social media to read, “I’m a Christian, priest wannabe,” the outlet noted.

The news comes as the Italian model, whose career really kicked off at age 17, recently started using his social media platform to ask questions of faith, rather than to promote his career and projects.

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