Iran Threatens ‘Big Explosion’ In Middle East If Israel Continues To Kill Terrorists

The Islamic Republic of Iran threatened that a “big explosion” could unfold in the Middle East if Israel continues to hunt down the Hamas terrorists responsible for murdering 1,200 Israelis on October 7.

“At least every week, we receive a message from the U.S. telling us that U.S. bases in Syria and Iraq are targeted by some groups,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian told the Doha Forum on Monday.

“At any moment there is a possibility of a big explosion in the region, one not controllable by any party.”

He said that the reason Iranian-backed terrorist groups had launched dozens of attacks against U.S. forces in the region over the last two months was because they were “defending the Arab and Muslim people of Gaza.”

“We do not recognize Israel as a government. It has just been an occupying power for 75 years,” he claimed, demanding that the U.S. “abandon their unconditional and unwavering support for Israel.”

The remarks come after Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists hit an oil tanker that was passing through the Bab-el-Mandeb on Monday with a cruise missile.

President Joe Biden has come under mounting pressure for not being able to muster the courage to respond to the attacks from the Houthi terrorists and other Iranian-backed Islamic terror groups in the region that have repeatedly attacked U.S. forces.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly told Biden that if the U.S. does not take action against the Yemen-based Houthi terrorists, Israel will, which comes after the terrorist group has repeatedly targeted shipping vessels with ties to Israel.

Numerous U.S. defense officials told POLITICO that Biden’s approach to dealing with the situation was problematic because by trying to avoid escalation, the opposite is happening.

“Near to immediate term, where are the strikes on [Houthi] targets?” said Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA official, on social media. “Need to see this ASAP.”

Retired Vice Adm. John Miller, the former commander of U.S. 5th Fleet, told POLITICO that the U.S. was “not taking this seriously” because these attacks “have gone largely unanswered.”

“We’re not deterring anybody right now,” Miller said.

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