House Votes To ‘Strongly Condemn’ Anti-Semitism; Nearly 100 Democrats Vote ‘Present’

The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to “strongly condemn” the rise of anti-Semitism “in the United States and around the world” — and while the measure passed 311-14, nearly 100 House Democrats voted “present.”

C-Span’s Craig Caplan shared the break down in a post on X, saying, “311-14: House voted to ‘strongly condemn and denounce the drastic rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world.’ Resolution approved by a two-thirds vote ‘clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism.’ 92 Democrats voted Present.”

The breakdown across the parties was as follows: 216 Republicans voted “yea,” one voted “nay,” and four did not cast a vote. Among Democrats, in addition to the 92 “present” votes, 95 voted “yea,” 13 voted “nay,” and 13 did not vote.

Rep. John Rose (R-TN) touted the resolution — and called out the Democrats who had not voted in favor of the measure — in a comment on X. “Today, I proudly voted in support of @RepDavidKustoff’s H. Res. 894, which strongly condemns and denounces the drastic rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world. It’s a shame a number of Democrats couldn’t join us in what was a widely bipartisan vote.”

“I don’t understand. The media told me that the problem was right-wing antisemitism,” Jeremy Carl responded.

“‘Do you condemn hate and bigotry against Jews? Against threatening them in the streets? No new laws, just a public rebuke.’ ‘Nah, some of us are here tho’ — Democrats,” another posted.


The push for Democrats to vote “present” on the resolution was led by Reps. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Dan Goldman (D-NY), and Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and was based on their objection to the resolution’s statement saying that anti-Zionism was anti-Semitism.

They called instead for the House to take up the resolution they had authored, which called for “implementation of the National Strategy to Counter Anti-Semitism.”

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