‘Everyone Over There Is A Terrorist’: Israeli Woman Abducted By Hamas, Held Hostage By Family In Gaza Opens Up About Weeks-Long Captivity

Mia Schem, a 21-year-old Israeli-French woman who was abducted by Hamas on October 7, opened up about the “holocaust” she experienced during her 54 days in captivity in Gaza, saying, “Everyone over there is a terrorist.”

After being kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from a music festival in southern Israel during the terrorist group’s brutal attack on Israel, Schem said she was held captive by a family in Gaza who were working with the terrorist organization. She was freed as part of a temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas last month, and the 21-year-old tattoo artist is now revealing more about her terrifying experience as a Hamas hostage.

“It was important to me to relay the truth about the nature of the people who live in Gaza, who they are truly are and what I experienced there,” Schem said in a clip of an interview with Channel 13, the New York Post reported.

“It was important to you that the world understands what?” journalist Lior Veroslavsk asked her.

“That I went through a holocaust,” Schem replied. “Everyone over there is a terrorist.”

“Entire families are in the service of Hamas,” she added. “Suddenly I realized that I’m with a family. Suddenly I’m asking myself questions: Why am I in some family’s home? Why are there kids here? Why is there a wife?”

Hamas has ruled the Gaza Strip for over 15 years with strong support from the Palestinian people living there. According to a recent poll, around 60% of the Palestinians in Gaza supported Hamas’ attack on Israel and only 21% in Gaza said they opposed the terrorist attack.

Shortly after she was taken hostage by Hamas, Schem appeared in a video clip posted to Telegram by the terrorists. In the video, Schem spoke to the camera and pleaded for her safe return home, claiming Hamas was taking care of her. The video also showed a large scar on her arm, and she said that her captors operated on her injured arm for three hours after taking her to the Gaza Strip.

“I was [at] a party. I was badly injured in my arm. They took me to Gaza. They performed a 3-hour surgery to my arm. They took care of me, treated me, provided medicine to me. Everything is fine,” Schem said before pleading for her release.

“I am just asking them to return me home as soon as possible,” she continued. “To my family, father, mother, and siblings. Please, get us out of here as soon as you can.”

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) posted a statement about Schem’s hostage video, saying Hamas attempts to “portray themselves as human,e” but in reality “are a horrific terrorist organization responsible for the murder and abduction of babies, children, men, women and the elderly.”

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