CAIR quietly scrubs Democrats' praise for group after blowback over leader's pro-Hamas comments

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) appears to have scrubbed Democratic lawmakers' praise for its group from its website following blowback over its leader's controversial statements regarding Hamas, Fox News Digital has discovered.

Nihad Awad, CAIR's executive director, recently said he was "happy to see" the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion of Israel and that the Jewish state did not have a right to self-defense because it was an "occupying power."

After Awad made the contentious comments, Fox News Digital and other publications questioned Democratic lawmakers who previously expressed support for the group in letters and statements, including some posted on CAIR's endorsements and awards page.

The endorsements and awards page that contained glowing recognition from Democrats was wiped clean sometime in the past few days and now shows a '404' error.

The page was last captured by the Wayback Machine, an internet archiver, on December 4. It shows its previous state, including its "Awards and Recognitions from Interfaith, Law Enforcement, Elected Officials and Others."

The page contained over 100 current and former Democratic politicians heaping praise on the group. Federal lawmakers such as Sens. Chuck Schumer of New York, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Ben Cardin of

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