Biden urges need for flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza, concern for hostages in call with Netanyahu

President Biden stressed the importance of more humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip in a Thursday morning phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House said.

During their discussion, Biden also voiced concern for the remaining 138 hostages still being held captive by Hamas. He agreed that “Hamas’s refusal to release young women civilian hostages that led to a breakdown in the humanitarian pause.”

“The leaders agreed to remain deeply engaged to pursue every possible opportunity to free the remaining hostages,” the White House said.

Biden also underscored the importance of the sustained flow of fuel and humanitarian aid into Gaza. He stressed that “much more assistance was urgently required across the board.”

“The President emphasized the critical need to protect civilians and to separate the civilian population from Hamas including through corridors that allow people to move safely from defined areas of hostilities,” the White House said. 

Biden further reiterated his concern about violence committed against Palestinians and the need to increase stability in the West Bank.

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