Robert De Niro Gets Ridiculed For Continuing To Obsess Over Trump

Robert De Niro was ridiculed on Tuesday for his continued obsession with former President Donald Trump after he claimed his prepared speech slamming Trump was edited.

During the 80-year-old actor’s appearance on Monday at the Gotham Awards in New York City, De Niro became agitated while reading his remarks once he noticed his Trump comments were censored, Variety reported.

“I’m going to go back. I’m sorry. Okay, there was a mistake in this. I’ll keep going. Just keep scrolling,” De Niro told the audience. “I just want to say one thing. The beginning of my speech was edited, cut out, and I didn’t know about it. And I want to read it.”

He went on to read the anti-Trump comments from his phone, and near the end of his speech said, “I’m gonna say these things, but to Apple and thank them and all that, Gothams, blah, blah, blah, Apple. But I don’t feel like thanking them at all after what they did. How dare they do that, actually?”

Social media users on X slammed the actor once video surfaced of the “Goodfellas” star’s remarks.

“It’s really interesting that for years Robert De Niro had this quiet brooding mystique about him and then he finally started opening his mouth and everyone realized he was actually a moron,” one person wrote.

Another added, “So Robert De Niro is angry that Apple edited the first part of his speech which was his usual unhinged rant about Trump. Imagine that. A Lefty upset by censorship.”

While a third person shared on X,“Robert De Niro is literally a professional liar. Pretends to be someone else for a living. I respect his body of work in film but his political commentary means nothing. Less than most of my twitter mutuals.”

One person wrote, “I don’t get why some actors keep preaching the others, and get into politics, while on stage… where politics have absolutely NOTHING to do with it. Don’t they understand that, by doing so, they instantly LOSE half of their fan base? #RobertDeNiro I love you but…”It was only the latest anti-Trump speech De Niro has given after he famously used his time at the Tony Awards in June 2018 to yell “f*** Trump!” — which was met by a round of applause.

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