In Color: 20 Amazing Rare Photos Of Tutankhamun's Discovery In 1922
After years of extensive search, British Egyptologist and archaeologist Howard Carter finally found the steps to the burial chamber of Tutankhamun (alternatively spelled with Tutenkh-, -amen, -amon).
Along with fellow archaeologist Lord Carnarvon, they entered the interior chambers of the tomb. What followed was a monumental excavation process which led to the discovery of an incredible collection including the most splendid architectural and historical find - the stone sarcophagus containing a solid gold coffin with the 3000-year-old mummy of the the boy-king Tutankhamun.
You've probably seen photos of this amazing find before, but they've always been in black and white. But thanks Dynamichrome, some of the historic images from the excavation have been colorized for the The Discovery of King Tut exhibition in NYC. Take a look!
Tutankhamun's burial mask, November 1925
Howard Carter, Arthur Callender and an Egyptian worker opening the doors of the innermost shrine and getting their first look at Tutankhamun's sarcophagus, January 4, 1924
A ceremonial bed in the shape of the Celestial Cow, surrounded by provisions and other items in the antechamber of the tomb, December 1922
A gilded lion bed, clothes chest and various objects in the antechamber. The wall of the burial chamber is guarded by statues, December 1922
An assortment of model boats found in the treasury of the tomb, c. 1923
A gilded lion bed and inlaid clothes chest in the antechamber, December 1922
Under the lion bed in the antechamber are several boxes and chests, and an ebony and ivory chair which the boy king used as a child, December 1922
A gilded bust of the Celestial Cow Mehet-Weret and chests found in the treasury of the tomb, c. 1923
More chests inside the treasury, c. 1923
Ornately carved alabaster vases in the antechamber, December 1922
In a makeshift "laboratory" set up in the tomb of Sethos II, conservators Arthur Mace and Alfred Lucas cleaning one of the sentinel statues from the antechamber.], January 1924
Howard Carter, Arthur Callender and an Egyptian worker wrapping one of the sentinel statues for transport, Nov. 29, 1923
Arthur Mace and Alfred Lucas working on a golden chariot from Tutankhamun's tomb outside the makeshift "laboratory" in the tomb of Sethos II, December 1923
A statue of Anubis on a shrine with pallbearers' poles in the treasury of the tomb, c. 1923
Carter, Callende, and two workers remove the wall partition between the antechamber and the burial chamber, Dec. 2, 1923
Inside the outermost shrine in the burial chamber, a huge linen pall with gold rosettes, resembling the night sky, covers the smaller shrines within, December 1923
Carter, Mace and an Egyptian worker carefully rolling up the linen pall covering the second shrine, Dec. 30th, 1923
Carter, Callender and two Egyptian workers carefully dismantling one of the golden shrines within the burial chamber, December 1923
Carter examining Tutankhamun's sarcophagus, October 1925
Carter and a worker examining the solid gold innermost sarcophagus, October 1925
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