What is a primary debate — and what is its purpose?

Wednesday’s debate is the first of several primary debates where GOP candidates for president will answer questions, in this case from Fox News moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum about a wide variety of issues related to domestic and foreign policy issues.

To qualify for Wednesday’s debate, candidates needed to satisfy polling and donor requirements set by the Republican National Committee: At least 1% in three high-quality national polls or a mix of national and early-state polls between July 1 and Aug. 21, and a minimum of 40,000 donors, with 200 in 20 or more states.

Candidates were also required to sign a “loyalty pledge” promising to support the eventual GOP nominee no matter who it is. 

The debate will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and begins at 9 p.m. ET.

The next debate will be hosted by Fox Business and will take place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum in Simi Valley, California on September 27.

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