Own goal! Footballer’s attempt to retrieve ball from overhead netting goes comically wrong when backpack gets stuck too
This is the moment a footballer's attempt to retrieve a ball from overhead netting went comically wrong.
Mohamed Samir shared footage on TikTok and Facebook of a team-mate throwing Mohamed's bag up to try and knock the ball down.
But instead the backpack also becomes stuck out of reach in the netting above the pitch in Cairo, Egypt.

Footage shared by Mohamed Samir on Facebook and TikTok on March 7 and filmed on a Cairo football pitch shows his team mate's failed effort to grab the ball
The players burst out laughing after the blunder while Mr Samir walks off the pitch, apparently annoyed.
But Mr Samir soon sees the funny side and sticks out his tongue, before dropping to the ground in hysterics.
Mr Samir later revealed that the backpack was eventually knocked down by players using another football.
But he joked that the funny clip, which he shared on on March 7, was a representation of his 'luck in life.' Share

Mr Samir's backpack becomes marooned at the same unreachable height as the ball, making everyone laugh
His caption on TikTok and Facebook reads: 'Directed by Robert B Weide', a comic allusion to the end credits on HBO comedy series Curb Your Enthusiasm which has become a popular meme.
Social media users were left in hysterics by the clip with @justasoul18 saying: 'That laugh!'
Meanwhile, others wrote laughing emojis under the TikTok post and tagged their friends to show them the funny footage.
And on YouTube, UncleBuZ commented: 'Good excuse for not having your homework done'
While Lisa loves summer time said: 'Hope he was able to retrieve his bag... his friend definitely had a good laugh... lol.'
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