Note so sorry! Witty written complaints about parking, bad coffee and co-workers using your favourite mug definitely get the point across
While you might rely on your friends and loved ones to provide you with a daily dose of laughter, sometimes it's a communication from a co-worker, a neighbor, or even a stranger that can really bring a smile to your face.
People from around the world have shared snaps of witty notes that they couldn't help laughing at with the trivia website The Daily Stuff. The eyebrow-raising letters included one man apologizing after his horse urinated on a car, and a husband admitting he put a love note for his wife on the wrong vehicle.
Elsewhere, a Costa customer wrote a note to their barista to complain that the coffee is the worst that they've ever tasted and that they would rather drink instant made with sour milk.
People from around the world have shared snaps of witty notes that they couldn't help laughing at with the trivia website The Daily Stuff, including one office worker who was mocked by colleagues for being precious about their reindeer mug
That's a bit rich! One sorry driver left this note of apology after hitting someone else's car. However, they did not feel sorry enough to leave their number, because they thought the person looked wealthy
That's awkward! One husband from Ohio had to admit to the neighborhood that he left a love note for his wife on the wrong car
Not doing it by the book! After a woman in a gold sedan from Georgia was shamed for raiding a free library and not bringing the novels back
Bad barista: Customers sometimes feel compelled to share their praise with staff they like. But one person from the UK made sure that this Costa employee knew how bad they are
Not horsing around: An American man named Stan left $50 and this note of apology after his steed, dubbed Tic Tac, peed on a stranger's car
A sorry husband left a letter of apology after his wife hit someone's car while trying to avoid a squirrel - but at least the little critter is OK
A resilient neighbor left this funny letter after someone stole a parcel that was meant to be delivered for them
Not resigned to it! This restaurant employee was not content with quietly handing in their notice in the usual fashion, and wrote a proud note to declare: 'I'm a quitter'
That's one way of avoiding jury duty. One man's very enthusiastic jury duty questionnaire where he promised to dress up for the trial did not land well with the Kansas city circuit court
One neighbor left a very passive aggressive note to another, promising repercussion if the person parked in their spot again
Someone went through the trouble of writing this note from the point of view of an aging printer to inform coworker there was another they could use
A cheeky employee used a condolences card in order to notify his boss of his two-week notice in 2016
Dish wars! After someone they lived with left one too many dish out without cleaning them, one person got creative with their use of post-its
One neighbor left this strange letter and had to return a doorknob after stealing it when returning home on Saturday night after indulging a little too much
An angry motorist drew this very passive aggressive 'parking spot just for you' sign after finding a vehicle parked right in the middle of two spots
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