Trump called Melania's press secretary Stephanie Grisham to insist his penis 'wasn't toad-stool shaped' and summoned young female aide on Air Force One so he could 'look at her behind', book claims
Former President Trump was not happy when porn star Stormy Daniels scarred the nation by detailing the shape of his genitals, and immediately called his press secretary Stephanie Grisham to insist his penis was not shaped like a toadstool.
Daniels wrote in a 2018 book on her affair with the former president: 'I lay there, annoyed that I was getting f***ed by a guy with Yeti pubes and a d*** like the mushroom character in Mario Kart.'
Trump, upon hearing the allegation, called his press secretary from Air Force one to assure her his penis was neither small nor shaped like a toadstool, Grisham, in her new salacious tell-all 'I'll Take Your Questions Now,' obtained by the Washington Post.
Trump even once called Grisham to demand the presence of an unnamed press aide on Air Force One so he could 'look at her [behind].'

Trump, upon hearing the Stormy Daniels description of his penis, called his press secretary from Air Force one to assure her his penis was neither small nor shaped like a toadstool, Grisham, in her new salacious tell-all 'I'll Take Your Questions Now'

Daniels wrote in a 2018 book on her affair with the former president: 'I lay there, annoyed that I was getting f***ed by a guy with Yeti pubes and a d*** like the mushroom character in Mario Kart
Grisham also writes that the former president once asked her former boyfriend Max Miller, also a Trump aide, if she was good in bed.
The Stormy Daniels affair, Grisham writes, 'unleashed' Melania's vengeance as she began trying to contradict her husband in public.
When Grisham drafted a tweet requesting privacy at the time of the affair, saying that Melania would focus on being on her roles as first lady, wife and mother, Melania had her scrub the tweet of the word 'wife.'
And during the State of the Union address, she walked in arm-in-arm with a handsome military aide hand-selected by Grisham because the floors of the Capitol were 'slippery.'
'I laughed to myself because I'd seen the woman navigate dirt roads in her heels,' Grisham writes.
Grisham, 45, served as press secretary to Trump from July 2019 to April 2020, wherein those 12 months she never once held a press conference. She then returned to her previous role as press secretary to First Lady Melania from April 2020 until January 2021. She resigned from the position on Jan. 6 in light of the Capitol riot.
Grisham also recounts a meeting between Trump and Vladimir Putin in Japan in 2019 where Trump smooth talked the Russian president and told him he was only talking tough in front of the cameras.
'I'm going to act a little tougher with you for a few minutes. But it's for the cameras, and after they leave, we'll talk. You understand.'
The rest of the 90-minute conversation is shrouded in secrecy as press was ushered out of the room.
Grisham alleged that the administration was shrouded in a culture of lies. 'Casual dishonesty filtered through the White House as if it were in the air conditioning system,' she said.
And Trump's staffers were lying right back.
When George H.W. Bush died, the staff arranged for the former president's family to use Air Force One for the funeral. The casket, Bush's service dog Sully and the first family flew in the plane to get to the service.
They left Trump in the dark on most of the details, knowing how he feared death.

Then-White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham arrives with boyfriend Max Miller for a State Dinner in September 2019 'We knew he wouldn't be okay with that, even for a brief trip,' Grisham writes. 'Dead bodies, death, sickness — those things really seemed to creep him out.'
He was not a fan of the Bushes, either, and they were no fans of his.
And during 2019 when Trump would not disclose the nature of a visit to Walter Reed Medical Center, Grisham strongly hints that he was getting a colonoscopy, but didn't want to make it public and become the 'butt of a joke' on late night TV.
Trump could have used his office to draw attention to the preventative procedure and save lives but 'As with COVID, he was too wrapped up in his own ego and his own delusions about his invincibility,' she writes.
Both the former president's and first lady's offices trashed the allegations in the book.
'This book is another pitiful attempt to cash in on the President's strength and sell lies about the Trump family,' Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington told the Washington Post about the allegations. She said Grisham was a 'disgruntled former employee' and publishers 'should be ashamed of themselves for preying on desperate people who see the short term gain in writing a book full of falsehoods.'
'The intent behind this book is obvious,' Melania Trump's office said in response to the book earlier this month. 'It is an attempt to redeem herself after a poor performance as press secretary, failed personal relationships, and unprofessional behavior in the White House. Through mistruth and betrayal, she seeks to gain relevance and money at the expense of Mrs. Trump.'
'Failed personal relationships' appeared to be a reference to Grisham's relationship with Trump aide Max Miller, one that reportedly ended when he pushed her up against a wall and slapped her in the face when she accused him of cheating on her.
The book will be released publicly on Oct. 5.
Grisham has also made a number of other allegations in her book, including:
Trump would cut his hair with giant scissors and tunes from his favorite musicals would calm him down
Grisham's includes bizarre details about Trump's behavior.
For instance, she claims he cuts his hair with a 'huge pair of scissors that could probably cut a ribbon at an opening of one of his properties.'
She also writes that one of Trump's aides - later revealed to be Grisham's ex-boyfriend Max Miller, who is running for an Ohio Congressional seat and has been endorsed by Trump - would play him his favorite show tunes, including 'Memory' from Cats, to calm him down during tantrums.
Grisham described Trump's temper as 'terrifying.
Trump continued the womanizing behavior he was known for as a brash Manhattan real estate tycoon at the White House, Grisham revealed, writing that he repeatedly invited a young press aide to his Air Force One cabin - one time to look at her behind.
Grisham described the woman as a 'a young, highly attractive press wrangler on my team.'
Trump instructed Grisham to 'keep her happy.'
Grisham tried to keep the staffer away from the president, she wrote.
Melania's campaign of revenge on Trump over his 'affair' with Stormy Daniels
The Daniels affair, Grisham wrote, 'unleashed' Melania's vengeance as she began trying to contradict her husband in public.
The first lady told Grisham she didn't believe her husband's denials.
When Grisham drafted a tweet requesting privacy at the time of the affair, saying that Melania would focus on being a first lady, wife and mother, the first lady asked Grisham to scrub the tweet of the word 'wife.'
And at the 2018 State of the Union, Melania Trump broke protocol and took her own motorcade to the Capitol Building - largely seen as a dig at her husband.
At the time, Grisham told and CNN that Mrs. Trump was 'honoring her guests for the true heroes they are,' referring to those seated in the first lady's box at the presidential speech. 'In addition to holding a White House reception and photo opportunity for them and their friends and family, she is accompanying them to the Capitol,' Grisham said.
In the book, Grisham said Melania Trump's moves were by design, as the first lady walked arm-in-arm with a handsome military aide hand-selected by Grisham because the floors of the Capitol were 'slippery.'
'I laughed to myself because I'd seen the woman navigate dirt roads in her heels,' Grisham wrote.
As coverage of Trump's romp with Daniels wore on, Grisham said
'This is Donald’s problem. He got himself into this mess. He can fix it by himself,' Melania Trump said, according to Grisham.
Trump wanted Grisham to evict the press and reenact his perfect phone call
During her time serving as White House press secretary, Trump asked Grisham to find a way to remove the press from the White House premises.
He also wanted her to re-enact his 'perfect' phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for them.
She revealed that a trip to North Korea inspired Trump to ask her to find ways he could evict the White House press corps from the James Brady briefing room - a place he frequently held news conferences and bantered with reporters.
'I researched different places we could put them other than the press briefing room. Each time the president asked me about my progress on the matter, I let him know I was still working on options,' Grisham wrote.
Grisham, who was notable for never holding a press briefing as White House press secretary, explains she didn't do so out of fears of what Trump would ask her to say at the podium.
Trump's first press secretary, Sean Spicer, famously argued Trump's inauguration crowd was 'the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration' - claim that did not match side-by-side photos of Trump's inauguration with Barack Obama's and destroyed his credibility.
'I knew that sooner or later the president would want me to tell the public something that was not true or that would make me sound like a lunatic,' she noted.
She also detailed one of Trump's more outlandish requests - that she appear before the press corps and reenact his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to his first impeachment.
She managed to avoid doing it.
Trump, himself, famously like to reenact the call by reliving what he and Zelensky said, using different tones of voices to make his point.
Trump's mysterious medical procedure at Walter Reed was likely a colonoscopy
While Grisham didn't name the procedure, the former Trump aide strongly hinted that what Trump went to Walter Reed for in November 2019 was a colonoscopy - without anesthesia.
In the book, Grisham described it as a 'very common procedure' where 'a patient is sometimes put under.'
The reason for the secrecy, Grisham explained, was that Trump didn't want to hand over power to Vice President Mike Pence, even for a short amount of time, because it would be 'showing weakness.'
He also didn't want to be 'the butt of the joke,' she wrote, on late-night TV.
At the time, Grisham told reporters that Trump had traveled to the Bethesda, Maryland facility to 'begin portions of his routine annual physical exam.'
Grisham expressed that the concealment was regrettable.
She noted in the book that Trump could have used his influence to demystify colonoscopies - and thus save lives.
'But as with COVID, he was too wrapped up in his own ego and his own delusions about his invincibility,' Grisham said.
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