Rep. Chip Roy Introduces Bill Prohibiting U.S. Taxpayer Money From Funding Forced Abortions In China
Titled the “No Taxpayer Funding for the UN Population Fund Act,” the proposed bill would permanently prohibit U.S. taxpayer money from going toward funding the communist regime’s forced abortions and sterilizations. Though he voted against funding the UNPF when he was a senator in 1985, President Joe Biden has recently moved forward to reinstate the funding that former President Donald Trump rolled back because of the fund’s ties to China.“American tax dollars should never directly or indirectly support taking of innocent human life through abortion or the dehumanizing act of involuntary sterilization, and they certainly shouldn’t be used to support the oppressive, America-hating Chinese Communist Party in any way whatsoever,” Roy said in a press release. “Former President Trump was right to stop funding the UN Population Fund due to their open partnership with the oppressive Chinese regime and their support for China’s atrocious human rights violations. This legislation will continue that policy.”
As The Federalist reported:
Since 1985, presidents have had discretion under the Kemp-Kasten Amendment to withhold funds from any organization that supports or participates in coercive abortions or involuntary sterilizations. Under this provision, the United States has withheld funds from the UNFPA in 18 of the past 36 years. All of these presidential determinations have been based on the UNFPA’s cooperation with the Chinese government.
A Jamestown Foundation report found funds from the Chinese central government went towards funding sterilizations in Xinjiang, sufficient for almost 200,000 sterilizations. The UNFPA should not be partnering on “family planning” efforts with a government that brutally employs sterilization and abortion to commit genocide against a minority group. The fact that the UNFPA continues to do so is more than enough reason for the United States to halt all contributions.
China is the world’s foremost perpetrator of coerced abortions and sterilizations. Its notorious “One Child Policy,” which lasted from 1979–2015, was responsible for preventing more than 400 million births, according to Chinese state media. Forced abortions and subsequent sterilizations were central to the program.
The legislation has been met with support from more than 30 other members of Congress, as well as from Heritage Action, Family Research Council Action, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, Students for Life Action, Texas Values, Texas Right to Life, and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
“The current administration plans to restart funding UNFPA despite the organization’s consistent support for China’s brutal child policy and the lack of evidence that UNFPA has changed course,” said Thomas McClusky, who is president of March for Life Action. “We, therefore, urge you to support the legislation sponsored by Representative Chip Roy to remove taxpayer funding of UNFPA. The United States should support human rights, not fund international groups complicit in their violation.”
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