SNOW WAY! Incredible 45-foot ‘ice volcano’ has formed in Kazakhstan – and it’s even erupting
A STUNNING 'ice volcano' has formed in Kazakhstan after water shooting from an underground spring froze immediately in the air.
The icy tower is a staggering 45 feet (13.7 metres) tall.
Water particles continue to spew from the top of the structure.
This makes it look like smoke erupting from a real volcano, according to those lucky enough to see it up close.
A smaller 'ice volcano' formed in Kazakhstan's Almaty region last year but didn't have this smoke-like water vapour feature.
The hollow ice cone has formed over a hot spring that continued to produce bursts of water in the snow covered landscape.
The current temperature in the Almaty region is 0°C, meaning it's cold enough to freeze the hot spring water when it reaches the surface.
The structure and the landscape around it is also coated in a thick layer of snow.
Lots of Instagram fans have trekked to the area near the village of Kegen and taken some amazing photos.
Video agency Ruptly also published some cool footage which shows the ice volcano from all angles.
Similar ice cones can form all over the world whenever the air temperature is cold enough to freeze warmer rising water.
Once such structure was spotted on Lake Ontario in North America earlier this month.
Ice volcanoes can even form in space and some scientists think they spotted one on Pluto back in 2016.
That particular ice volcano was said to be just over two miles high and 90 miles wide.

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What do you make of the ice volcano? Let us know in the comments...
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