Law student, 29, marries pensioner, 80, who has grandchildren her age and claims their love is ‘raw and beautiful’ despite the 51-year age gap
- Terzel Rasmus, 29, from Cape Town, South Africa, met 80-year-old Wilson Rasmus in 2016 at a local newspaper event and fell madly in love despite age gap
- Their families are supportive despite Terzal being same age as her stepgrandkids
- Says they are often mistaken for father and daughter while they are out and Terzal has been accused of being a golddiggerA woman who married a man 51 years her elder says he is a 'very attentive' lover but admits that she doesn't play a step-mum roles to his children who are nearly 30 years older than her.
Terzel Rasmus, 29, from Cape Town, South Africa, met 80-year-old Wilson Rasmus in 2016 at a local newspaper event and fell madly in love, and despite her husband having grandchildren her age she says her love is 'raw and beautiful'.
The law student says the couple had a mutual attraction for one another and began dating immediately, with Wilson keen to have a younger wife to look after him in his old age.Meanwhile, Terzel enjoys the benefits of her husband's wisdom and life experience.
A woman who married a man 51 years her elder says he is a 'very attentive' lover but admits that she doesn't play a step-mum roles to his children who are nearly 30 years older than her.Her mother and late father gave their stamp of approval, and the lovebirds were married the following year in a small ceremony, with Wilson's 56-year-old daughter, as the witness.
The couple live together with Terzel financially supporting his wife's studies.
'Wilson quite literally walked into my life,' Terzel said.We met at a local newspaper dance where I was the journalist on duty, so I was taking photos for the event.
'When I was done working I settled into the evening to enjoy the dancing and Wilson walked across the dancefloor to where I was sitting and asked if he could sit by me.
'He noticed I was alone and thought the two of us could share company.
Terzel Rasmus, 29, from Cape Town, South Africa, met 80-year-old Wilson Rasmus in 2016 at a local newspaper event and fell madly in love, despite her husband having grandchildren her age
For Terzel, one benefit of their age gap is her not having to play the role of stepmother, to his kids that are older than her own mother
'The truth, which came out later, was that he had noticed me before the event started and wanted to get to know me.
'When he established I was on my own he plucked up the courage to come over and speak to me.
'I said yes and the rest is history – we haven't parted since.'
Terzel immediately felt at home with Wilson, who is 24 years older than her mother, and said there was a 'definite spark' between them.
After swapping numbers, she invited him to a press event the following day, and then for coffee the day after that – at which point their fate was sealed.
Terzel immediately felt at home with Wilson, who is 24 years older than her mother, and said there was a 'definite spark' between them
The law student says the couple had a mutual attraction for one another and began dating immediately, with Wilson keen to have a younger wife to look after him in his old age
She said: 'That was that, we were in a relationship without really stating it officially.
'This is my first long-term relationship and I never considered being in a serious relationship until I met Wilson.
'Three months after we met, I knew I wanted to marry him.
'Wilson was married before and that was his first relationship.
'His late first wife Nelly died in 2002 from cancer and after that he didn't date other women.'
Rather than being put off by the vast difference in their ages, the two believe they complement each other.
'Wilson's experience in life helps greatly,' Terzel, who feels she is mature for her age, added.
Rather than being put off by the vast difference in their ages, the two believe they complement each other. Pictured on their wedding day
Terzal's mother and late father gave their stamp of approval, and the lovebirds were married the following year in a small ceremony, with Wilson's 56-year-old daughter, as the witness. They are pictured on their wedding day
'When my father died, my husband was able to help me with arrangements and guide me in the process of what usually happens after death.
'He also helps by giving advice on big decisions regarding my future and I'm able to go to him and get his advice when I am unsure about something.
'I can rely on him for anything – all I have to do is ask – and he supports me financially, especially helping me pay for my studies.'
The couple's only major issue is that Terzel often has to explain how technology works to her husband.
After swapping numbers on the day they met, Terzal invited him to a press event the following day, and then for coffee the day after that – at which point their fate was sealed
The couple's only major issue is that Terzel often has to explain how technology works to her husband
Wilson said: 'I have never thought of myself as an old person and this has kept me healthy and vibrant – being with Terzel also helps me think and feel this way.
'To marry a younger person is better than to marry someone more or less my age, because we will both be old together and that does not help me as the older person.
'I like the fact that Terzel will be there to look after me in my old age.'
Unlike many other couples with significant age gaps, the duo were both immediately welcomed into the fold by their extended families.
Terzel said: 'My parents love Wilson and my father was impressed with what he could offer me as a partner and always wanted me to be with a man who is level-headed and could look after me.
Unlike many other couples with significant age gaps, the duo were both immediately welcomed into the fold by their extended families
The reaction to the couple when they are out in public has been less welcoming, however, with people often staring and mistaking them for father and daughter
'Wilson's daughters were welcoming and warm towards me and treated me on equal grounds, despite me being half their age.
'We have a friendly relationship and there is no bitterness or resentment towards me.
'They know their father is happy and not alone anymore – that is all that should matter in the end.'
The reaction to the couple when they are out in public has been less welcoming, however, with people often staring and mistaking them for father and daughter.
People have been even more vocal online, with one person calling Terzel a 'gold-digger' and 'cheap floozy s**t' that 'sleep with older men' as she cannot find any her own age.
Wilson, who Terzal describes as a 'very attentive lover' is pictured. They say their main problem is him not being able to use technology
The couple from South Africa are often mistaken for father and daughter and Terzal is often called a 'gold digger'
The student said: 'The slut-shaming was particularly hurtful because what Wilson and I feel for each other is raw and beautiful.
'I almost felt like this person was defiling our relationship.'
She said: 'My hopes and dreams are our hopes and dreams.
'Wilson would love to be there when I take the bench one day and wants to see me succeed and reach my potential – and be by my side through all of it.'
.The couple live together in Cape Town with the doting husband financially supporting his wife's studies
Pictured: Wilson, now 80 (bottom right), pictured throughout the years of his life
For Terzel, one benefit of their age gap is her not having to play the role of stepmother.
She added: 'Luckily for me, Wilson's children are grown so I don't have to deal with young children and his grandchildren are more or less my age so that is also not something I have to involve myself greatly in.
'We don't plan to have children of our own; although if we have a happy accident, then so be it.
'When it comes to sex, Wilson is a very attentive lover and always pleases me when we are intimate.
'Young men tend to be very selfish when it comes to good sexual health and I am grateful to have my husband.
'We love each other the same as other people love their partners – there is nothing disgusting about it.'
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