Falling fowl of the law! Escapee emu tries to peck its way into a police car after officers were sent to try and capture 5ft high bird
An escaped 5ft high emu tried to peck its way into a police car after officers were sent to try and catch the bird.
Officers found themselves e-mused by the unusual incident, which happened just after a villager called emergency services, having spotted the flightless fugitive close to 13th Century St Michael's Church near Lowestoft, Suffolk.
It wasn't long before police found the adult male bird named Skiff strolling around a country lane in the village.
Police in Suffolk were sent out to try and recapture a 5ft high adult male emu that had escaped

Police officers received an amusing shock when the bird they were looking for appeared
One of the officers snapped a picture on a mobile phone as it appeared to try to get inside their car, last Thursday.They eventually managed to coax the bird back into a nearby field which had other emus and made contact with the wayward pet's owner.
Lowestoft Police tweeted their officers had found themselves in a 'flap' when 'face 2 face' with the emu.
The tweet added: 'He wanted to join them in the car, but after being emu-vable he was told to return to his field.
"No emu-jis can describe it!'
Twitter users reacted with humour with one replying: 'Eggcellent story'. Another added: 'Funny a story about a bird would be tweeted!'
A Facebook user joked: 'Perhaps he felt he doesn't need to follow lock down rules as he's emune.'
Another social media fan commented: 'Well it certainly emused me'.
A Suffolk Police spokeswoman said: 'We initially had a call from a member of the public who stated they had seen an ostrich by the church wall at Oulton.
'It appeared to be an emu when we went to investigate and it was returned it to its field. We also contacted the owner.'
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