China arrests six for 'causing negative social impact' online over India border clashes

 The men – plus one teenager living overseas – were targeted for allegedly posting ‘defamatory’ material about soldiers who died in clashes last year

Chinese and Indian troops come face to face along the disputed border between the two countries in June. Beijing admitted for the first time this week that four of its soldiers died in the clashes.
Chinese and Indian troops clashed along the disputed border between the two countries in June. Beijing admitted for the first time this week that four of its soldiers died in the clashes. Photograph: Anonymous/AP
 in Taipei

Chinese authorities have arrested at least six people, and is targeting a teenager living overseas, for posting online about Chinese soldiers killed in a border clash last year.

Last week the Chinese government bestowed posthumous honours on four soldiers who died after the Galwan valley clash with Indian forces, in the disputed Himalayan border regions.

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