Selena Gomez Calls Out Big Tech Heads, Says They Have ‘Failed The American People’

Speaking with the Associated Press shortly after the riot on Capitol Hill, Gomez said that Big Tech was largely responsible for what unfolded due to their reluctance to regulate extremist voices.“Today is the result of allowing people with hate in their hearts to use platforms that should be used to bring people together and allow people to build community,” she initially tweeted. “Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Jack Dorsey, Sundar Pichai, Susan Wojcicki — you have all failed the American people today, and I hope you’re going to fix things moving forward.”
Gomez later told AP that social media companies have to “stop doing the bare minimum.”
“It isn’t about me versus you, one political party versus another. This is about truth versus lies and Facebook, Instagram and big tech companies have to stop allowing lies to just flow and pretend to be the truth,” she said. “Facebook continues to allow dangerous lies about vaccines and COVID and the U.S. election, and neo-Nazi groups are selling racist products via Instagram.”
“Enough is enough,” she added.
Gomez became a huge advocate for social media regulation in 2017 when a 12-year-old said “go kill yourself” to her on Instagram.
“That was my tipping point,” she said. “I couldn’t handle what I was seeing.”
Selena Gomez jumped into politics in 2019 when she penned an op-ed for TIME asking Americans to feel more empathy and compassion for illegal immigrants, citing her family’s own experiences.
“In 1992, I was born a U.S. citizen thanks to their bravery and sacrifice,” wrote Gomez. “Over the past four decades, members of my family have worked hard to gain United States citizenship. Undocumented immigration is an issue I think about every day, and I never forget how blessed I am to have been born in this country thanks to my family and the grace of circumstance. But when I read the news headlines or see debates about immigration rage on social media, I feel afraid for those in similar situations. I feel afraid for my country.”
“It is a human issue, affecting real people, dismantling real lives. How we deal with it speaks to our humanity, our empathy, our compassion. How we treat our fellow human beings defines who we are,” she added. “I understand it’s flawed and that we need rules and regulations, but we also have to remember that our country was formed by people who came here from other countries. It’s time to listen to the people whose lives are being directly affected by immigration policies. It’s time to get to know the individuals whose complex stories have been reduced to basic headlines.”
Prior to her essay, Gomez decried anti-abortion laws in Alabama and Georgia as something “deeply upsetting.”
“To see what is happening right now in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and several other states in our country is not only deeply upsetting but seems that it can’t possibly be real in 2019. It’s no one’s business what a woman chooses to do with her body. End of story,” she wrote on her Instagram
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