WaPo admits that Latinos hate the term 'Latinx'
Leftists want to abolish gender identity, and that presents a problem since most Romance languages, including Spanish, have masculine or feminine gender nouns. Progressives attempted to take the gender out of the Spanish language by changing "Latino" to the term "Latinx" around 2004. The only problem is that Latinos and Latinas hate the word "Latinx."
The word "Latinx," which is nearly a "term used exclusively within the United States," has been rejected by the vast majority of actual Latinos. A 2019 poll found that a whopping 98% of Latinos do not identify with the Latinx term. Of those surveyed, 44% preferred to be called "Hispanic," followed by 24% who would like to be classified as "Latino/Latina."
A 2020 Pew Research survey found that only 23% of Hispanics had even heard of the term "Latinx," and a minuscule 3% said they used the word to describe themselves.
This week, a Washington Post writer finally admitted, "Stop trying to make Latinx happen; it's not going to happen."
WaPo published an article titled, "'Latinx' hasn't even caught on among Latinos. It never will." Writer Jose A. Del Real outlined all of the reasons why Hispanics have rejected the progressive agenda to take gender out of their language.
Real noted that despite the word "Latinx" being widely used in progressive mediums and by left-wing politicians, they could be "accused of being out of touch with working-class Latino communities," who dismiss the woke machinations. The writer also points out that "Latinx" doesn't roll off the tongue and "plural derivatives like 'latinxs' and 'amigxs' and 'tixs, are impossible to pronounce."
Real suggests that pushing the term "Latinx" may have hurt Democrats in elections.
"Some strategists and journalists argue that progressives' embrace of 'Latinx' lost some votes among Latino communities in Florida and Texas by imposing a label on people who do not use it to describe themselves," Real wrote.
"This English-language modification to Spanish-language grammar does not achieve linguistically what it hopes to achieve culturally: an expansive recognition of autonomy and difference that people can use in everyday life," Real said.
Despite Hispanics nearly universally rebuffing the woke "Latinx," politicians, brands, and activists are likely to continue to use it to virtue-signal on how woke they are.
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