Incredible aerial footage captures the moment a huge saltwater crocodile and a shark come face-to-face in murky waters off the Australian coast - just metres from swimming children
- Chelsea and Bryce were out fishing at in Kununurra, Western Australia this week
- The pair set up their drone and spotted a five metre long salt water crocodile
- Incredible footage shows a bull shark inching closer to the lurking crocodile
- It soon notices the crocodile before quickly turning and swimming away
Aerial footage has captured the moment a shark came face-to-face with a saltwater crocodile in murky waters off Australia's coast, with families and swimmers just metres away.
Chelsea and Bryce were fishing near Ivanhoe Crossing in Kununurra, Western Australia, this week when they set up their drone to see what was lurking ahead.
The pair were shocked to almost immediately spot a large bull shark, which appeared to be trying to intimidate a five-metre crocodile.
Chelsea and Bryce spotted a five metre long salt water crocodile (pictured) at the Ivanhoe Crossing in Kununurra, Western Australia

They returned the next day and saw the same crocodile, but this time a bull shark inching close to the predator
The massive crocodile seemingly waited patiently for its next meal, while the its rival inched closer. After a brief stand-off the bull shark turned and swam away, safe to live another day. 'We didn't realise crocodiles or sharks were in the area as locals are always in the water,' Chelsea told Daily Mail Australia, adding that there were children splashing in the water nearby.
'I think this was a rare sighing but probably good for people to see what's lurking around the waters in the Kimberley Region.'

When the shark spotted the crocodile it swiftly turned around and swam away
The footage was shared to Chelsea and Bryce's Instagram page and is quickly going viral.
'Those are two prime examples of why I don't like swimming,' one person wrote.
'Look at the size of that sucker! Oh no, no water for me!!' another commented.
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