Trump Asks Biden Why He ‘Spent All That Money On Plastic Surgery’

DANVILLE, KY - OCTOBER 11: U.S. Vice President Joe Biden smiles during the vice presidential debate at Centre College October 11, 2012 in Danville, Kentucky. This is the second of four debates during the presidential election season and the only debate between the vice presidential candidates before the closely-contested election November 6. (Photo by
President Trump, in case you didn’t already know, has a vicious streak.
He’s all about counter-punching. Hit him, he’ll hit you back. And that’s what you’re going to see for the next 41 days, right up until Election Day.
The president on Tuesday night threw some haymakers at his Democratic opponent Joe Biden. And … he went there.
“I’ll be honest, he feels good about that mask, and that’s OK,” Trump told a crowd of supporters in a Pittsburgh campaign rally.

Then he waited to drop his big line.
“I mean honestly, what the hell did he spend all that money on the plastic surgery if he’s going to cover it up with a mask,” Trump said, prompting cheers from the audience. “The question is will he leave it on during the debate?”
“It makes him feel comfortable,” Trump said with a shrug of Biden’s mask-wearing, mocking the former vice president for occasionally letting his mask “hang down on his ear.”
“It’s long been rumored Joe Biden has had plastic surgery — and leading surgeons say scars that run down the side of his face underneath his ears could be the result of a facelift,” The Daily Mail reported.
Surgeons say that Biden, 77, began to look noticeably different during the 2008 campaign, and then again shortly before he launched his bid to become the Democratic presidential nominee last year.
New York-based cosmetic surgeon Dr. Arthur Perry described the size of the scar as ‘incredible’ and told the Washington Examiner in an interview last year that they looked ‘fairly recent.’ He said: ‘The scars come too far from his ear. This is very hard to correct.’
New York Magazine reported last October that Trump has privately marveled at the “work.”
The dramatic change to Biden’s appearance is a matter of preoccupation for Biden-watchers. In the timeline of images from throughout his career, you can observe as he grows older and then younger and then older but somehow more elegant and alert. His hair is white now but thicker than it was in the 1980s. He’s thinner, but his cheeks are fuller than they were in 2008. To be honest with you, he looks good. He’s almost 77!
Writer Olivia Nuzzi recounted watching Biden at the Iowa State Fair in August 2019. “[A]s candidates took to the stage to deliver their stump speeches and answer questions from the Des Moines Register, I stood off to the side with a few members of the press. We craned our necks downward to squint at a zoomed-in photo of the side of Joe Biden’s head. There, just behind the ear, is where you can supposedly observe the scar from a face-lift, one of many cosmetic procedures Biden is rumored to have had.”
“Those who know him say the president is against plastic surgery (by which I assume they don’t mean breast implants) and, especially, bad plastic surgery, and he considers it an all-too-common tragedy when someone has their face inexpertly altered,” she wrote.

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