Kyle Rittenhouse’s Attorney Demands Biden Remove Ad Claiming Client Is A ‘White Supremacist,” Threatens Defamation Lawsuit.

Clashes between protesters and armed civilians, who protect the streets of Kenosha against the arson, break out during the third day of protests over the shooting of a black man Jacob Blake by police officer in Wisconsin, United States on August 25, 2020.
Wednesday morning, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden released a digital ad on his official Twitter account that included President Donald Trump’s debate remarks about white supremacists. As the debate transcript plays, images from Charlottesville, Virginia are shown. Thirty-seven seconds into the ad, as debate moderator Chris Wallace is discussing white supremacy and mentions Kenosha, Wisconsin, an image of 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse is displayed.
Biden’s tweet explains, “There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night.”
L. Lin Wood, an attorney for Rittenhouse, tweeted several responses to the ad, including the warning that a “Formal demand for public retraction is being prepared for Biden/Harris Campaign on behalf of Kyle Rittenhouse.”
“I also hereby demand that @JoeBiden immediately retract his false accusation that Kyle is a white supremacist & militia member responsible for violence in Kenosha,” Wood added.
In another tweet, Wood said they would “rip Biden to shreds” in a deposition.
When I take @JoeBiden deposition on cross-examination, no wire or computer contact lenses will save him. I will rip Joe into shreds. Ask witnesses who have had the misfortune of sitting across the table from me under oath. You don’t mess with my children, my pup, or my clients,” Wood tweeted.
Rittenhouse’s legal defense previously released an 11-minute video that outlined the events leading to the fatal shooting of two rioters in Kenosha as well as the injury of a third, The Daily Wire’s Amanda Prestigiacomo reported.
“To prevent the total destruction of their communities, good Samaritans united to guard local businesses,” the video said as images of destroyed buildings were shown.
“So people are getting injured,” Rittenhouse says the night of the shooting – before the events that led to his arrest. “Our job is to protect this business. Part of my job is to help people. If there’s somebody hurt, I’m running into harm’s way.”
The video also shows Rittenhouse yelling to the protesters, “I have a medic kit. If you are injured, come to me!”
Pierce Bainbridge, the law firm representing Rittenhouse, previously released a statement explaining that the teen was cleaning up graffiti from protesters when he learned a car dealership needed his property protected from rioters. Rittenhouse and his friend armed themselves and assisted.
“Describing the events of the incident, the statement noted that Rittenhouse was on his way to a mechanic’s shop when multiple rioters accosted him, recognizing him as one of the people trying to protect the shops in the area. The teen tried to flee as he was chased by the ‘mob,’ and ‘[u]pon the sound of a gunshot behind him, Kyle turned and was immediately faced with an attacker lunging towards him and reaching for his rifle. He reacted instantaneously and justifiably with his weapon to protect himself, firing and striking the attacker,’” Prestigiacomo reported.
“In fear for his life and concerned the crowd would either continue to shoot at him or even use his own weapon against him, Kyle had no choice but to fire multiple rounds towards his immediate attackers, striking two, including one armed attacker,” the law firm’s statement continued.
Video evidence backs up Rittenhouse’s claims.
The other issue with Biden’s ad depicting Rittenhouse as a white supremacist is that it is another example of Democrats falsely labeling a minor. Wood is also an attorney for teenager Nick Sandmann, who was labeled a racist by the media and Democrats for standing politely while a Native American man beat a drum in his face. Sandmann has so far settled defamation claims with CNN and The Washington Post for their portrayals of the then-high-school student

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