Judge reverses 'Save James' ruling, gives mother power to transition 8-year-old son at father's expense: report
A Dallas judge has effectively reversed a previous ruling that would have granted the divorced father and mother of 8-year-old James Younger equal say in his medical and psychological care.
school as a girl named "Luna" and subject him to transition therapy and medical procedures at the expense of his father, Jeffrey Younger, the "Save James" Facebook page reported Tuesday.
What are the details?
"James and Jude did NOT have a victory in court today. Judge Mary Brown has condemned James and Jude to a life of therapy, confusion, and abuse without even having a hearing. There are no other words for what has happened today," a post on the page read.
"She has forced James to live as 'Luna' in a school surrounded by teachers and therapists who do not acknowledge that he has said multiple times to multiple people (without Jeff around) that he wants to be a boy and hates being forced to be a girl," the post continued.
What's the background?
In October, Judge Kim Cooks overruled an initial verdict handed down by a Texas jury that granted sole conservatorship of James to his mother and instead granted 50-50 joint conservatorship to both parents. The decision meant that Georgulas and Younger would have to consent to any medical treatments.
In January, the new judge in the case, Mary Brown, initially affirmed the court's decision to grant Younger joint conservatorship. But Brown allegedly rolled back that decision Tuesday.
Younger had allegedly become concerned after he discovered medical records indicating that his ex-wife had referred James to a local gender transition clinic and had begun the process of medically transitioning him into a girl, LifeSite News reported.
Younger claims that his son never expresses any desires to be a girl when he is with him and that his ex-wife is pressuring James into transitioning.
At the start of the school year last fall, James reportedly chose to attend school as a boy and under his given name.
Anything else?
According to the "Save James" page, the ruling was handed down on Tuesday without a hearing. The page added that "a special evidentiary hearing is scheduled for September" and requested that supporters donate to cover Younger's increasingly expensive legal fees.
It should be noted that there may be more to the case than is being reported. BlazeTV's Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere discussed some new, but highly questionable, details that emerged from the case in court proceedings last October.
Here's more about the case from the Daily Caller:
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