EXCLUSIVE: Hugh Sheridan reveals his birthday wish to end COVID-19 as he launches fundraiser with World Vision
Hugh Sheridan has partnered with World Vision Australia to develop a COVID-19 fundraiser.
The Australian actor, who turned 35 on Tuesday, launched the initiative because he felt 'strange' celebrating his birthday amid the ongoing pandemic.
Hugh wanted to raise awareness and funds for communities who don't have access to the medical services and preventative measures to combat coronavirus.
EXCLUSIVE: 'It means so much to me': Packed to the Rafters star Hugh Sheridan's birthday wish is to end COVID-19... as he launches a fundraiser with World Vision
'There's a massive pandemic gripping the world and I want to help,' Hugh told Daily Mail Australia.
He added: 'My birthday wish this year is that we come out of this with more compassion towards one another.
'That we stand up for those who can't. That we share stories of those who have no voice and we be the safety net for those who have no lifeline.
Charitable: Hugh wants to raise awareness for communities who don't have access to medical services and preventative measures to combat coronavirus
'So I ask for my birthday this year, please donate to my fundraiser supporting the COVID-19 emergency appeal. It means so much to me and to thousands and thousands of people worldwide who are suffering,' he said.
Hugh went on to explain World Vision is currently working in 70 countries with staff and volunteers to help combat COVID-19.
On Instagram, Hugh continued his fundraising plea, explaining he felt 'apprehensive' to start the appeal.
'There's a massive pandemic gripping the world and I want to help,' Hugh told Daily Mail Australia
'I know we have all been through so much, but because I am safe and can help I feel I should assist those who need it most - the world's most vulnerable children,' Hugh wrote.
He added: 'I humbly ask if you are in a position to help, please support my fundraiser.'
Hugh has been working with World Vision Australia for a decade. He first launched a birthday fundraiser in 2015 for the Nepal earthquake emergency appeal.
Dedicated: Hugh has been working with World Vision Australia for a decade. He first launched a birthday fundraiser in 2015 for the Nepal earthquake emergency appeal. Pictured in Nepal
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